
Ah, the sandbar. TideClan’s sandbar is probably its best feature. The sandbar is like any other sandbar, a very shallow area of the ocean. It does drop off, but it’s simple for TideClanners to swim back to the Sandbar. However, they can get taken by the tide. Somehow, the sandbar is an area where the tide is always low, or often, no wake of waves whatsoever.
The Sandbar
Ah, the sandbar. TideClan’s sandbar is probably its best feature. The sandbar is like any other sandbar, a very shallow area of the ocean. It does drop off, but it’s simple for TideClanners to swim back to the Sandbar. However, they can get taken by the tide. Somehow, the sandbar is an area where the tide is always low, or often, no wake of waves whatsoever.
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This is where the pack hunts, though there isn’t very much prey choice, there’s seagulls, sand crabs, fish of all sorts, and clams, and mussels. How do they eat shelled organisms? They’ve learned over time to crack open these shelled creatures, so these cats do so with ease.
Zephyr Beach
This is where the pack hunts, though there isn’t very much prey choice, there’s seagulls, sand crabs, fish of all sorts, and clams, and mussels. How do they eat shelled organisms? They’ve learned over time to crack open these shelled creatures, so these cats do so with ease.
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This is a very strange and old temple, which had been built by twolegs. The run-down temple is beginning to crumble and disintegrate. Occasionally, young kits who’re being mentored train nearby here, and often in the temple for agility purposes. The old temple has a small stream behind it which descends into The Three Streams.
The Old Temple
This is a very strange and old temple, which had been built by twolegs. The run-down temple is beginning to crumble and disintegrate. Occasionally, young kits who’re being mentored train nearby here, and often in the temple for agility purposes. The old temple has a small stream behind it which descends into The Three Streams.
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Tideclan Territory

Encouraged and Discouraged. ((Please Read))
created by Mausbär♡
1 post 427 views
last post May 3, 2018 11:28:58 GMT by Mausbär♡
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TideClan territory isn’t the most mysterious or exciting of them, but could be considered beautiful due to the views of the beach and it’s clear waters. The tide is strange in a way, considering the beach’s tide is abnormal, having high tide more often, whilst rarely a low tide. Low tide happens once in the time of twenty-four hours, which is at night. That’s when these cats come out to hunt. TideClan is closest to, well, more like neighbors to the Tempus.
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